Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How to identify true and false LV bag

LV, which is short for Louis Vuitton, is a fashion house founded by Louis Vuitton in Paris, Rue Neuve in 1854, the DES Capucines. Fashion house has a rich history and the Vuitton family members, although the Nazi collaborators, fashion house is the most respected in the world. Louis Vuitton products, including shoes, bags, clothing, accessories and even luggage. If you do not have money to buy a real Louis Vuitton bag, you can always go to a copy. Copy, the price advantage that they are humble, and their workmanship and quality is the same as the real thing better. However, you should note that there are fake 
louis vuitton diaper bags
on the market, so you should know, as opposed to copy and / or genuine fake LV bags.

Distinguish between genuine Louis Vuitton bag from a fake one way is to consider where you buy the bag. If you buy a LV bag in the street, chances are high that you are not buying the real thing. From the LV network in one of many around the world, so you should buy bags, authorized outlets, from the company's Web site, and from trusted online markets and shops. LV wallet when purchased online, please note that photos displayed are not necessarily what you get. In order to get a credible and reliable the site, consider the independent reviews and customer testimonials. Website should have a good return policy, including a money-back guarantee.

Different from the fake Louis Vuitton bag real Another way is to consider the price. Louis Vuitton is the luxury brand, which means not cheap handbags fashion house. Your price is low, sounded the alarm, so the ring. You should do research, know the different LV bags for a suggested retail price. Internet is the best place to do these comparisons.

However, another to tell a fake Louis Vuitton bag real way is to carefully consider the bag. You should consider the different bags lined leather stamps - not from the Louis Vuitton replica of the wording. You should see something like this button, knob and button. But the real LV purse or handbag with the designer's name printed or embossed replica of writing. In the real thing, the internal and external stitching is straight, the same color wallet. Obvious design flaws, you should carefully bags - bags for sale really thorough check and did not contain design defects.

You should consider, from the real thing to tell fake certificates of authenticity. LV bags and other major designers such as Prada, sofa, and Gucci bags, bags to carry the serial number label. If you do not know a Louis Vuitton bag looks like, someone to accompany you while you are buying. If you are buying a very expensive package, considered as a designer for other professional services.

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